SquareForge is now selling PDF versions of our tile sets. You can purchase Dungeons, Caverns, Forests, and Waters in Master or Expansion Sets. Each set consists of 60 unique graphics useful for building modular terrain settings for your pen and paper tabletop role-playing adventures.
To purchase SquareForge PDFs please use the checkout available on our itch.io store pages. When you make a purchase, you will instantly gain access to the downloadable files VIA itch.io.
NOTE: We just doubled the size of each set by adding 2 variations of each of the 30 patterns for a total of 60 tiles per set!)

The video above demonstrates the use of the original 16 tiles, now available as part of the Master Set. The image to the right shows the tile patterns used in the video. There are actually 60 patterns to choose from! Each deck contains 30 pattern pairs, giving a total of 60 graphics per set. These can be manipulated to create an unlimited assortment of dungeon layouts.
SquareForge allows you to create an expansive collection of printed cards which you may use for your pen and paper tabletop role-playing games. We recommend making each deck dual-sided, providing two completely different types of terrain on either side.
We've intentionally kept our terrain graphics simple. The concept is to offer a visual representation of floors and walls without forcing unwanted props into your campaign. You can add your own barrels, crates, caskets, tables, chairs, and altars giving you more control over the layout of your dungeons.

Sample Modular Terrain with Cavern Walls

Sample Modular Terrain with Water and Forest Tiles

4 x 10 Dungeon Room with Hallway

7 x 7 Dungeon Room with Hallway